Dr. Gregory F. Welch – Students
Current Advisees
- Jasmine Joyce DEGUZMAN
- Hiroshi FURUYA
- Stephanie LIEBEL
- Akhil Pavan Sai MACHAVARAM
- Nicholas PIAZZA
Past Advisees
(reverse chronological):
- Austin ERICKSON, 2023, Ph.D. (Research Scientist, Air Force Research Laboratory)
- Nahal NOROUZI, 2021, Ph.D. (industry) — dissertation
- Faith SAUBER, 2021, B.S. — thesis
- Jonathan JULES, 2020, B.S.
- Alyssa FEAGANS, 2020, B.S.
- Alexis LAMBERT, 2020, B.S.
- Jason HOCHREITER, 2019, Ph.D. (Research Scientist, NAWCTSD) — dissertation
- Myungho LEE, 2019, Ph.D. (Assistant Professor, Pusan National University) — dissertation
- Yazdan JAMSHIDI, 2018, M.S. (Senior Applied Scientist, Oracle)
- Ryan SCHUBERT, 2018, with Henry Fuchs (University of Central Florida, SREAL)
- Salam DAHER, 2018, Ph.D. (Assistant Professor, New Jersey Institute of Technology) — dissertation
- Kangsoo KIM, 2018, Ph.D. (Assistant Professor, University of Calgary) — dissertation
- Angelica GARCIA, 2017 M.S. (NASA JSC)
- Peter LINCOLN, 2017 Ph.D. at UNC, with Henry Fuchs (Google) — dissertation
- Christoph RESCH, 2016, Ph.D. at TU München, with Gudrun Klinker (Extend3D) — dissertation
- Feng ZHENG, 2015, Ph.D. (Technical Lead, Apple) — dissertation
- Jinghe ZHANG, 2013, Ph.D. (Data Scientist, Locus Social) — dissertation
- Ryan PATRICK, 2013, M.S. (Instructor, University of Nebraska, Lincoln)
- Krishna KOLLU, 2012, B.S. — Honors Thesis
- Peter KEITLER, 2011, Ph.D. at TU München, with Gudrun Klinker (Extend3D) — dissertation
- Caitlyn LOSEE, 2010, B.S. — Honors Thesis
- Adrian ILIE, 2010, Ph.D. — dissertation
- Hua YANG, 2008, Ph.D. — dissertation
- B. Danette ALLEN, 2007, Ph.D. (Lead Researcher, NASA LaRC) — dissertation
- Vincent NOEL, 2006, M.S.
- Michael NOLAND, 2006, M.S.
- Aditi MAJUMDER, 2003, Ph.D. (Professor, University of California, Irvine) — dissertation
- Ruigang YANG, 2003, Ph.D. (Inceptio Technology)—dissertation
- Ramesh RASKAR, 2001, Ph.D. (MIT Media Lab)—dissertation
Student Committees
(reverse chronological):
Samuel Cosgrove (current, M.S., Advisor Joe LaViola); Xinyu Hu (current, Ph.D., Ad- visor Ryan McMahan); Kyle Martin (current, Ph.D., Advisor Joe LaViola); Alec Moore (2022, Ph.D., Advisor Ryan McMahan); Kevin Pfeil (2022, Ph.D., Advisor Joe LaViola); Andres Vargas (2022, Ph.D., Advisor Joe LaViola); Sarah Braeger (2021, Ph.D., Advi- sor Hassan Foroosh); Corey Pittman (2021, Ph.D., Advisor Joe LaViola); Min Wang (2020, Ph.D., Advisor Hassan Foroosh); Alex Blate (2019, Ph.D., UNC, Advisor Henry Fuchs); Baoyuan Liu (2016, Ph.D., Amazon, Advisor Hassan Foroosh); Rick Skarbez (2016, Ph.D., UNC, Advisor Frederick P. Brooks and Mary Whitton); Alexandra Carson (2016, BSN Honors in the Major); Justin Grace (2016, BSN Honors in the Major, Advisor Kelly Allred); Monika Schaeffer (2011, M.S., Duke University, Advisor Ron Parr); Brian Clipp (2010, Ph.D., UNC, Advisor Marc Pollefeys); David Gallup (2010, Ph.D., UNC, Advisor Marc Pollefeys); Andrew Nashel (2010, Ph.D., UNC, Advisor Henry Fuchs); Tyler Johnson (2009, Ph.D., UNC, Advisor Henry Fuchs; Seon Joo Kim (2008, Ph.D., UNC, Advisor Marc Pollefeys); Philip McLeod (2008, Ph.D., University of Otago, Ad- visor Geoff Wyvill); Patrick Quirk (2006, M.S., UNC, Advisor Henry Fuchs); Kok-Lim Low (2005, Ph.D., UNC, Advisor Anselmo Lastra); Lindsey McCarthy (2011, M.S. UNC Dentistry, Advisor Lucia Cevidanes); Michael Rosenthal (2005, Ph.D., UNC, Advisor Henry Fuchs); Benjamin Lok (2002, Ph.D., UNC, Advisor Frederick Brooks); Nicholas Vallidis (2002, Ph.D., UNC, Advisor Gary Bishop); Gopi Meenakshisundaram (2001, Ph.D., UNC, Advisor Dinesh Manocha); Mark Livingston (1998, Ph.D., UNC, Advisor Henry Fuchs); and Hans Weber (UNC, Advisor Gary Bishop).
Ph.D. Thesis Examiner
(reverse chronological):
- Ylva Hansdotter, “The Affordances of Immersive Virtual Reality for Stimulating Prosocial Behaviour: A Mixed-Methods Pro-Environmental Intervention Study,” University College Dublin; Advisor: Prof. Lizbeth Goodman; 2022.
- Susanne Schmidt, “Blended Spaces: Perception and Interaction in Projection-Based Spatial Augmented Reality Environments,” Universita ̈t Hamburg; Advisor: Dr. Si- mone Frintrop; 2020.
- Iana Podkosova, “Walkable Multi-User VR: The Effects of Physical and Virtual Colocation,” Technische Universita ̈t Wien; Advisor: Dr. techn. Hannes Kaufmann, Priv.-Doz.; Second advisor: Dr. techn. Peter Ferschin, Ass. Prof; 2019.
- Michael Robert Marner, “Physical-Virtual Tools for Interactive Spatial Augmented Reality,” The University of South Australia; Principal Supervisor: Prof. Bruce Hunter Thomas; Associate Supervisor Prof. Christian Sandor; 2013.
- Philip Grant McLeod, “Fast, Accurate Pitch Detection Tools for Music Analysis,” the University of Otago; 2008.