“The Future of Training and Simulation: Preparing Warfighters for Tomorrow’s Battlefields” written by Vinienne Machi was published in the National Defense: NDIA’s Business and Technology Magazine, December 2017. For more information you can find the article here. Much of Dr. Welch’s work in training and simulation is sponsored by the Office of Naval Research.
Author: blee1021
Kangsoo Kim awarded Best Student Paper at VRST
Kangsoo Kim awarded Best Student Paper for “Exploring the effects of observed physicality conflicts on real-virtual human interaction in augmented reality,” at VRST 2017 in Gothenberg, Sweden, November 8–10 2017.
![Exploring the Effects of Observed Physicality Conflicts on Real-virtual Human Interaction in Augmented Reality](https://sreal.ucf.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Kim2017a.jpg)
Exploring the Effects of Observed Physicality Conflicts on Real-virtual Human Interaction in Augmented Reality Proceedings Article
In: Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, pp. 31:1–31:7, ACM, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2017, ISBN: 978-1-4503-5548-3.
Nikhil Patel accepted to Yale’s Computer Science Bachelor’s Program in Fall 2017.
Nikhil Patel, a high school research member from 2013-2017, was accepted to and entered Yale’s Computer Science Bachelor’s Program in Fall 2017.
Congratulations to Nikhil Patel!
Behnaz Najavanasghari spent summer 2017 as a research Intern at Educational Testing Service (ETS), Princeton, NJ.
You can learn more about Educational Testing Services (ETS) here.
Sungchul Jung spent summer 2017 as a research intern in the VR group at Universal Studios, Orlando, FL.
Details to come.
Sapna Patel receives award at the 2017 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair.
Sapna Patel, a high school research member since 2014, received Third Award in the Behavioral and Social Sciences category at the 2017 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair.
Congratulations to Sapna Patel!
IEEE VR 2017 Doctoral Consortium Fellowship goes to Salam Daher
One of 12 awards worldwide Doctoral Consortium Fellowship goes to Salam Daher. Congratulations Salam!
More information on IEEE VR 2017 Doctoral Consortium can be found here.
Salam Daher awarded Link Fellowship 2016-2017
Link Fellowship 2016-2017 [ 1 of 4 awards in the USA] given to Salam Daher. Find more information on Salam’s award here. Congratulations Salam!
Find more information on the Link Fellowship.