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This page presents publications that resulted from research carried out at SREAL. Other publications, such as publications for individual research carried out prior to or after affiliation with SREAL, will be listed on that individual’s Publications page.

286 entries « 5 of 15 »


Using Virtual Rehearsal in a Simulator to Impact the Performance of Science Teachers

Lisa Dieker; Carrie Straub; Michael Hynes; Charles Hughes; Caitlyn Bukathy; Taylor Bousfield; Samantha Mrstik

Using Virtual Rehearsal in a Simulator to Impact the Performance of Science Teachers Journal Article

In: International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 1-20, 2019.

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Effects of Virtual Agent and Object Representation on Experiencing Exhibited Artifacts

Susanne Schmidt; Gerd Bruder; Frank Steinicke

Effects of Virtual Agent and Object Representation on Experiencing Exhibited Artifacts Journal Article

In: Elsevier Computers and Graphics, vol. 83, pp. 1-10, 2019.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Anticipating Widespread Augmented Reality: Insights from the 2018 AR Visioning Workshop

Gregory F. Welch; Gerd Bruder; Peter Squire; Ryan Schubert

Anticipating Widespread Augmented Reality: Insights from the 2018 AR Visioning Workshop Technical Report

University of Central Florida and Office of Naval Research no. 786, 2019.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Multi-touch Detection and Semantic Response on Non-parametric Rear-projection Surfaces

Jason Hochreiter

Multi-touch Detection and Semantic Response on Non-parametric Rear-projection Surfaces PhD Thesis


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Using Digital Puppetry to Prepare Physicians to Address Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Among Teens

Kathleen Ingraham; Charles Hughes; Nicholas Westers; Lisa Dieker; Michael Hynes

Using Digital Puppetry to Prepare Physicians to Address Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Among Teens Book Section

In: Antona, Magherita; Stephanidis, Constantine (Ed.): Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Theory, Methods and Tools, vol. 11572, no. 555-568, Springer, Cham Switzerland, 2019.

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Blowing in the Wind: Increasing Social Presence with a Virtual Human via Environmental Airflow Interaction in Mixed Reality

Kangsoo Kim; Ryan Schubert; Jason Hochreiter; Gerd Bruder; Gregory Welch

Blowing in the Wind: Increasing Social Presence with a Virtual Human via Environmental Airflow Interaction in Mixed Reality Journal Article

In: Elsevier Computers and Graphics, vol. 83, no. October 2019, pp. 23-32, 2019.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Virtual/ Augmented Reality for Health Professions Education Symposium

Michelle Aebersold; Salam Daher; Cynthia Foronda; Jone Tiffany; Margaret Verkuyl

Virtual/ Augmented Reality for Health Professions Education Symposium Conference

INACSL 2019.

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Augmented Rotations in Virtual Reality for Users with a Reduced Range of Head Movement

Nahal Norouzi; Luke Bölling; Gerd Bruder; Gregory F. Welch

Augmented Rotations in Virtual Reality for Users with a Reduced Range of Head Movement Journal Article

In: Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering, vol. 6, pp. 1-9, 2019.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Salam Daher; Veenadhari Kollipara

NCWIT Panel Presentation


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Social Interaction in Augmented Reality

Mark Roman Miller; Hanseul Jun; Fernanda Herrera; Jacob Yu Villa; Greg Welch; Jeremy N Bailenson

Social Interaction in Augmented Reality Journal Article

In: PLOS ONE, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 1-26, 2019.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Mediated Physicality: Inducing Illusory Physicality of Virtual Humans via Their Interactions with Physical Objects

Myungho Lee

Mediated Physicality: Inducing Illusory Physicality of Virtual Humans via Their Interactions with Physical Objects PhD Thesis

University of Central Florida, 2019.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

[POSTER] Matching vs. Non-Matching Visuals and Shape for Embodied Virtual Healthcare Agents

Salam Daher; Jason Hochreiter; Nahal Norouzi; Ryan Schubert; Gerd Bruder; Laura Gonzalez; Mindi Anderson; Desiree Diaz; Juan Cendan; Greg Welch

[POSTER] Matching vs. Non-Matching Visuals and Shape for Embodied Virtual Healthcare Agents Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), 2019, 2019.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

The Virtual Pole: Exploring Human Responses to Fear of Heights in Immersive Virtual Environments

Myungho Lee; Gerd Bruder; Greg Welch

The Virtual Pole: Exploring Human Responses to Fear of Heights in Immersive Virtual Environments Journal Article

In: Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, vol. 14(2017), no. 6, 2019, ISSN: 1860-2037.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Patient Simulators: the Past, Present, and Future

Salam Daher

Patient Simulators: the Past, Present, and Future Presentation


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A Systematic Review of the Convergence of Augmented Reality, Intelligent Virtual Agents, and the Internet of Things

Nahal Norouzi; Gerd Bruder; Brandon Belna; Stefanie Mutter; Damla Turgut; Greg Welch

A Systematic Review of the Convergence of Augmented Reality, Intelligent Virtual Agents, and the Internet of Things Book Chapter

In: Artificial Intelligence in IoT, pp. 37, Springer, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-030-04109-0.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


The Physical-virtual Table: Exploring the Effects of a Virtual Human's Physical Influence on Social Interaction

Myungho Lee; Nahal Norouzi; Gerd Bruder; Pamela J. Wisniewski; Gregory F. Welch

The Physical-virtual Table: Exploring the Effects of a Virtual Human's Physical Influence on Social Interaction Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the 24th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, pp. 25:1–25:11, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2018, ISBN: 978-1-4503-6086-9, (Best Paper Award).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Environmental Physical–Virtual Interaction to Improve Social Presence of a Virtual Human in Mixed Reality

Kangsoo Kim

Environmental Physical–Virtual Interaction to Improve Social Presence of a Virtual Human in Mixed Reality PhD Thesis

The University of Central Florida, 2018.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Effects of Embodiment on Generic and Content-Specific Intelligent Virtual Agents as Exhibition Guides

Susanne Schmidt; Gerd Bruder; Frank Steinicke

Effects of Embodiment on Generic and Content-Specific Intelligent Virtual Agents as Exhibition Guides Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (ICAT-EGVE 2018), Limassol, Cyprus, November 7–9, 2018, pp. 13-20, 2018, (Best Paper Award).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Blowing in the Wind: Increasing Copresence with a Virtual Human via Airflow Influence in Augmented Reality

Kangsoo Kim; Gerd Bruder; Gregory F. Welch

Blowing in the Wind: Increasing Copresence with a Virtual Human via Airflow Influence in Augmented Reality Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (ICAT-EGVE 2018), Limassol, Cyprus, November 7–9, 2018, pp. 183-190, 2018, (Honorable Mention Award).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Adaptive filtering of physical-virtual artifacts for synthetic animatronics

Ryan Schubert; Gerd Bruder; Greg Welch

Adaptive filtering of physical-virtual artifacts for synthetic animatronics Proceedings Article

In: Bruder, G.; Cobb, S.; Yoshimoto, S. (Ed.): ICAT-EGVE 2018 - International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments, Limassol, Cyprus, November 7-9 2018, 2018.

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286 entries « 5 of 15 »

*Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.